Alicia Kite Is Available On NEXT Online

Exciting news! My shapewear brand launched in January and is now available on NEXT Online and it sits proudly next to the renowned shape-wear brands.

It’s been a hard few years to get to this point, I don’t mind telling you, but my determination and self-belief kept me going. Plus I have met some incredible people along the way that kept me going.

So how did this shapewear idea start? I have been helping women gain confidence through what they wear for, dare I say, 40 years. Over that time I have persuaded them to struggle into some shaping contraption, that squeezed them in and ultimately pushed the fat somewhere else. Not a pleasant thought for anyone?

How did this garment make them feel? Slimmer, possibly, but not sexy and only once they put their clothes on did they start to feel stylish. 99% of the time this shape-wear garment ended up in their handbag before the event was over.

I wanted to produce something that offered support, helped with posture and gave a woman confidence in her body. It should enhance her body shape, not squeeze her so she felt uncomfortable, and not be an unattractive garment she felt embarrassed to be seen in. It needed to be something that made her skin feel firmer, something she felt good in the minute she put it on, a garment she could wear as a layering item to give her body smoothness but equally she could wear with confidence as a stylish top. It had to be comfortable, stylish and functional and the best quality I could find, so this was not a cheap throwaway item.

Phone call after phone call, research after research, I was not giving up until I found what I wanted. All my experiences of being a buyer for my stores, being in retail and then working with individuals on their style confidence came into play, I knew what I wanted.

I believed in this garment and knew there was nothing like it on the market, so I invested in a patent and was granted it in the UK in 2022.

The response has been incredible from women all over the country, now Europe and some have now gone to America! It does exactly what I wanted it to do. The feedback is that my camisole makes them look and, most importantly, feel amazing. This is shape-wear you want to show off.

What I can now say is dreams do come true. Never give up if you truly believe in something. As I said at the beginning, I couldn’t have achieved it without incredible people helping me. Thank you to them for being on this journey with me. We did it!!!

Check out the camisole on Next and please share it with others! This is a game changer for women’s shapewear and, at the end of the day, who doesn’t want to look and feel their fabulous self!

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